Monday, January 26, 2009

Old Tuscaloosa

Since I didn't get in trouble with the CDP police last week, and since I'm still experiencing a dry spell in the 'photos for blog' department, I thought I'd share another postcard from my collection. (Again, if this is against the rules or if you own the copyright, please advise.)
This is the same view as last week, but in a later year. Anyone want to guess on the year model of those automobiles to help me date this one? We're looking north, it's still pre-bank building, some trees are missing, but there's an addition - the trolley tracks in the middle of ths street! You might notice that the fourth bldg on the left looks different too. That's the McLester Hotel in one of its later remodels.


Halcyon said...

I like the old postcards. It's cool to look back at how things used to be.

Janet said...

Definitely before my time. I enjoy seeing the pictures of how T-Town used to look.

George said...

What an interesting comparison with the earlier post card. I'm sorry I can't help you with the date.

dot said...

You seem to have a very nice post card collection.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's alovely image and a good way to compare the now and then.