On our recent mini vacation, we got stuck behind this truck loaded with haybales - on a two lane curvy mountain road, with no opportunity to pass, for a LONG time. At least the scenery was beautiful, even though it was getting dark. I try to remind myself that life is like that. Even when we're not arriving where/when we planned, the journey itself is important! So, I'm trying to stop stressing about the destination and enjoy the journey! :)
Good morning! I have a friend who thinks that when you get behind a slow moving vehicle and not able to pass, they were put there at that time to keep you from possibly getting in an accident further down the road. Kind of like an angel! I like that way of thinking and try to remind myself of that when I'm getting impatient!
Have a great day!
That is definitely good advice that we all could live by. :)
This reminds me of similar scenes on some of our Tennessee highways. At least the slow movement allows us to better enjoy the scenery.
I find myself leaning forward in the car seat when I get behind farm equipment. It's hard to relax, it really is.
It feels like mountian weather today in Bama country!
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