Saturday, March 7, 2009

Fosters General Store

About 10 miles west of the city of Tuscaloosa is the community of Fosters. There's a post office, several churches and this old store. The Fosters General store has been here at the crossroads of old Jwy 11 and the interstate cut off for as long as I can remember. The BP awning out front is new of course, and in my opinion, spoils the view. Click to enlarge and you'll see some of the older signage. It was the only store until recently when a Chevron built a monstrosity across the street.


Tanya Breese said...

Love the old general store...lamo BP hides the character of it. Too bad these large companies don't build to match their surroundings. But then they do want to be noticed.

Rose said...

I would love to have seen this before the BP awning....but that BP may help keep it in business.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we've got to protect rural America. I noticed in trying to snap a pic for Skywatch that it is hard to get a picture without power lines, advertisement, or some other clutter. Rose's comment is a good point.

George said...

You're right -- the store looks better without the awning. But I guess the awning is the price of staying in business.

Steve Buser said...

I with you on the the awning being a distraction that takes away the feeling the old general store is trying to capture. I suspect they sell a lot more gas now, but a lot less of everything else.

gogouci said...

I agree. The BP cover does distract from the building's character. Nice, quaint store and great pic otherwise.