Sunday, March 15, 2009

The View

from the Cypress Inn on the river in Tuscaloosa. 200th post.


Tanya Breese said...

Ohhh I love the darkness of the river banks and the brightness of the sky...happy 200!!

Janet said...

Congrats on making it 200! Nice view of the river.

Lowell said...

200 is a nice round number! Congratulations! I think I'd like to spend some time at the Cypress Inn!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Congrats on 200. Where does the time go. This is a perfect image for 200, simply beautiful.

Tash said...

I like the shimmery water and the wide expanse of the river. Nicely captured. Congratulations on 200th!

Linda said...

Congratulations on reaching 200, as it were. All the silvery greys and blues are beautiful. Lovely tranquil shot.

Rose said...

We had skies like that on this view of the river.