Friday, September 4, 2009

Skywatch Friday

The clouds are shaped up like North America and Europe/Asia before the continental drift. What does it look like to you?
Happy Friday Everyone. Please click the banner to visit other Skywatch Friday posts!


penny said...

What a beautiful pair of angel wings. I like the sun glowing from behind this lovely cloud... nice capture :)
Have a wonderful weekend

j said...

Hello Tuscaloosa Alabama! We are gearing up for a big game here in Lower Alabama so the clouds look like an elephant and a hokie bird going head to head :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Halcyon said...

Funny! I think it looks like two fishies kissing.

Happy Friday!

squirrel said...

Looks like a puffer fish on the left wispering to a sea horse on the right. Nice.

Janet said...

Thought I recognized the continents!

Lowell said...

Very unusual and very interesting. You have a good eye!

Virginia said...

Just a beautiful shot and I had fun seeing what the other commenters saw as well!

D said...

Pam - OOh! I like the angel wings idea.
Jennifer - Roll Tide! 'nuff said
Hal - I can see the fish smooch too!
Squirrel - Hal thinks they're smooching, but it may be a whisper instead. The heehorse (as my niece calls it) is facing the ground, right?
Rambling Round - thanks! I thought maybe it was just me. :)
Jacob - thank you!
Virginia - Thank you! It was fun to get other perspectives!